300 Severn Ave.
Mailing Address
PO Box 602,
Rosebud, AB T0J 2T0
email: rosebudfirehall@gmail.com
Phone 911 for ALL emergencies – for medicals request Rosebud fire department &ndahs; an AED and a portable CPR pump LUCAS on truck and can provide First Aid and support while waiting for the ambulance.
To check for Fire Bans
Wheatland County
For guidelines and policies click here and search Wheatland County's website for "fire permits".
Info on Alberta Fire Bans
explanation of Fire Ban Levels
Fire Chief: Art Hudson: 403–820–0470
Deputy Fire Chiefs: Earl Pratt, Craig Nelson
Fire is ever present in a rural community, from the beginning of Blackfoot history where the indigenous peoples used controlled burns to refresh pasture to attract the buffalo, to lightning strikes, train cinders and fires to burn trash that become uncontrolled.
"The Rosebud Rural Fire Association was formed with the aid of the Rosebud Lions Club in the fall of 1976 prompted by a couple of fires that occured in the district at that time. The first fire was in a feed stack at Jim Clark's place on a Saturday afternoon and the second was the next Sunday afternoon at the nuisance grounds (directly north and east of the Rosebud church manse facing the now closed golf course). There was quite a strong wind that day, and the fire got away and started across country and along the railway tracks.
At that time Rosebud mobilized local residents and farmers however they had no fire fighting equipment, so a group of Lions got together and it was decided to form a Fire Association. By 1983 they had a fire hall, a fire truck with a water tank and a pump which worked quite well, giving the community some security. "It sure beat a gunny sack and a five gallon pail."
Manny Everett Times Contributor
The Rosebud Lions Association held
its Ray Zachariassen Memorial Golf Tournament and supper in conjunction with the Grand Opening of the Rosebud Fire Hall, which made for
fun-filled day - despite the late afternoon rainstorm on Aug. 15.
Chairman of the Board (of the Fire Department) Deputy Chief Rick Zachariassen, gathered the department´s volunteer firefighters for the official ribbon cutting ceremony. Rick explained that (their) "ground-breaking happened in July of 2009 when they dug the footings for the building, but they did start working on the project the year before with preparations on the site."
Zachariassen stood tall as he proudly pointed out the fact that "90 per cent of the project was volunteer hours and hard work from the members of the department and local men and women who devoted time and talents to the facility."
Picture: Chief Art Hudson, Deputy Chief Richard Zachariassen and Second Deputy Chief Paul Lassen (who designed the facility), cut the fire tape ribbon while the Rosebud firemen stood in front of their new facility. Standing with the 21 volunteer local crew were members of the fire departments from Barons, Drumheller, Rockyford, Dalum, Standard and Calgary... Profits from the tournament go to Rosebud Community Projects including the firehall. During the supper, people were entertained by local Rosebud area band "Cat Country Cougar Hunters" who played a wide range of music....
"It was very important to Rick dedicate his time to both the volunteer fire departments in Rockyford and Rosebud. Rick trained hard and worked hard. Everyone will agree that his commitment was an integral part of the new fire hall in Rosebud."
This award is meant to honour a person who is community minded and/or community builder who comes from the ranks of the Fire Services in this county.
Richard was born January 1958 and passed away in February 2015 at fifty seven years young.
We believe that this award honours the qualities that Richard demonstrated during his lifetime where he not only talked about but personally followed through to make good things happen for the community. The following are a few of many roles he demonstrated his life of service: He served on many community boards. He also was a long time Lions Member. He served as the treasurer for the Rosebud Memorial Hall Board for thirty years. He faithfully served the community in many fund raising projects that improved people's lives and the face of the community. For example: projects such as the additions to the Rosebud Centennial Museum as well as the elevator, new roof and siding for the Memorial Hall. He was instrumental in welcoming our valued Hutterite members as well as getting members trained to EMR level so they can do advanced First Aid.
His devotion to the fire service was part of his passion to protecting his community in both Rosebud and Rockyford even to serving on the Fire Association Board in Rosebud in addition to his regular fire volunteer duties. He personally volunteered many, many hours to the planning and construction of the fine Rosebud Fire Hall we have now. He was awarded the Governal General's Award for Exemplary Service Richard was a good friend to so many people. He was always ready to welcome people to the community.
He was ready to listen and to serve or help people no matter what.
Many personally have been blessed by the people who have been honoured with this award. These are the kinds of people that should inspire us to try to model our lives after. From our department these include: Art Hudson, Gerald Wilson and Craig Nelson
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