When: 2nd Thursday of the month – 6:00 pm except seeding, July and harvest and –
Phone Bonita 403-820-2870 to confirm details (harvest and seeding alter meeting dates depending on weather)
We often have the privilege of the Sue Miller catering our meal!
Where: Rosebud Memorial Hall
Mailing Address:
Box 608, Rosebud, AB T0J 2T0
Officers: July 2024 – July 2025
Stan Riegel
Vince Andersen<
home: 403–677–2545
Bonita Hudson
e-mail: bonita_hudson@hotmail.com
January – Community Skating when weather conditions permit!
January – Choosing of second semester post-secondary Scholarship – please ask for form
February – Ron Kenney Memorial Crib Night 6:30pm – phone for date but usually closest Thursday to Valentines
come one, come all who like to play a friendly game
June – Spouses'/Friends Night – Induction – change over of officers
August – Community Potluck Appreciation Night
September - meeting suspended because of harvest - other committees may meet
We Support the MemorialHall bingo fundraisers by doing 6:00pm Spaghetti supper before the 7pm Bingo games start, usually late fall and winter – phone 403–820–2870 for dates
All funds raised go into projects such as a local youth scholarship, local youth activities, swimming at Wheatland Crossing, food banks, the Wheatland Hospice Facility and the lodge bus in Strathmore.
Rosebud Lions Scholarship - Any student graduating from high school who is from the Rosebud fire district can apply for a $500 scholarship that is awarded after the completion of a semester of post-secondary schooling. Applications due by October. Up[on receiving scholarship it is possible to gain a matching one upon the student submitting additional information to Lions International. Contact your Lions President or Secretary or Treasurer for more information.
We support our local youth in various activities - please contact us for details.
Currently giving ongoing support to the Rosebud Centennial Museum as well as assisting the Rosebud Community Hall. Recently finished a pledge of $20,000 donation to the East Wheatland School project over the course of three years.
We support the Rosebud and District Centennial Museum (recently helped fund the railway mural and point of sale system) and the Rosebud Firehall. other donations include the wheelchair lift in the Rosebud Memorial Hall and the cylinder filling station in the Rosebud Firehall. Have done ramp alterations to a house in Redland. Support local Sports teams in trips for championships and our local 4-H club with a trophy. Put money towards a tropy for the Drumheller Music Festival and the local 4–H beef sale trophy.
Historically we have been involved in large infrastructure projects such as the 1953 planting of 400 trees at Severn Resevoir, 100 year Hymas Farm celebration, running of the Stock Car Track for 6 years, numerous BBQs, dances and other fundraisers, also the original Centennial project that moved,refurbished and ongoing supports our local museum, the purchase of the Severn School and renovations to become the Rosebud Recreation Centre which eventually was transferred to the Memorial Hall.
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